Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tokyo Disney Land and Sea

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported LicenseAcademic Disclaimer: This blog is a class project for my Visual Anthropology class; as such it is for educational purposes only. All photos posted here are taken by myself unless otherwise noted. Disney Sea photos were taken by my boyfriend Kei.

Tokyo Disney's One Man's Dream 2 with Mickey
and Minnie.
Since I was a Walt Disney World (Orlando, Florida) cast member before moving to Tokyo, I love to marvel at the differences each park has to offer! As I suspected, Japan's Disney theme parks have extremely kawaii (cute) version of the merchandise we sell in the West. Minnie ears a have Japanese idol style jewelled earrings and Marie and "Miss Bunny" from Bambi have a lot of themed goods. "Miss Bunny" wasn't even given a name in Disney's Bambi, but she's cute, so in Japan she is very popular with Disney fans. I myself bought Haunted Mansion "Maid" style Minnie ears and pink jewelled ones on my first visit to Tokyo Disney Land in 2009. 
Of course there are some differences in attractions and shows in the Tokyo parks. I was lucky enough to see One Man's Dream 2 when I visited, and it was absolutely beautiful! It began in black and white like in "Steam Boat Willy" days and gradually became colorful! I was struck by how many Western performers there were in the show! 
Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip. Aurora is my
favorite Disney princess!
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea at
Disney Sea!
Aye Aye Cap'n Mickey!

 Three years a go I went to Disney Sea in Halloween night and it was so fun and beautiful! The park is built around a large "sea" in the center. It is a bit like Epcot's World Showcase as every area is themed as a different part of the world. It has a Tower of Terror like Hollywood Studios, although the premise is completely different! It isn't based on the Twilight Zone, because Japan never had that show; it would have no significance. Instead, the story is centered around a rich man who loved to travel the world and collect rare artefacts, but he brings back an evil tiki statue and the demon kills him and curses his home. I am personally a fan of the original Twilight Zone theme, but it was still fun! I also went on the Indiana Jones and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea with my boyfriend Kei (he took these pictures), neither of which we have in the Florida parks. It was a truly magical Halloween!

Reading the special Halloween menu at a Disney Sea

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